12 September 2007

9ENG: ATB chapter summaries PART 2

16. Mr Blake has been receiving anonymous threat letters. Kevin beats up Brian in retaliation. Sadie and Tommy erase the word “traitor” which has been graffitied on the mural at the end of their
street. However, it is repainted the next day. Mr Blake, Sadie and Kevin take a trip to the country but the car has been sabotaged. Thanks to Mr Blake's quick thinking, they escape with minor injuries.

17. The three recover and are questioned by a detective but refuse to give anything away. Kevin and Sadie each wonder separately whether their own friends are responsible. Together, they decide to be more cautious. On the way home, Kevin is sacked and resolves not to see Sadie and Mr Blake any more.

18. Kevin is out of work and has nothing to do. Sadie wonders why he hasn’t called her. The Protestant parade of the Twelfth takes place. Kevin and Sadie travel independently to Bangor and meet by chance. Kevin’s parents go to the country for a holiday and Kevin is left in charge. Mr Kelly asks Kevin to return to work but Kevin refuses.

19. Mr Blake is killed when his house is bombed. Kevin decides to leave Belfast for good, without Sadie.

20. Kate Kelly apologises to Kevin; Brian had forced her to falsely report Kevin to the police. Kevin prepares to leave Belfast. Sadie meets Kevin at the docks and tells him she is coming with him. They leave for England together.

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