24 October 2007

10ENG Exam #1: Reminders

Firstly, some general reminders about the exam. In your exam you must complete THREE things:
  1. The close reading (reading comprehension)

  2. One essay on EITHER Merchant of Venice OR Burning Eddy OR snake poetry

  3. One essay on EITHER Merchant of Venice OR Burning Eddy OR snake poetry
Please note: You must write your two essays on two DIFFERENT topics for two DIFFERENT texts.
In every section of the exam, your responses must be
  • Full sentences (not bullet points)
  • Clear written language (avoid all slang, informal language and ‘I’ / ‘my’ / ‘you’ language

The exam is two (2) hours long. Each of the three sections is worth equal marks, so plan to spend equal amounts of time on each section: 40 minutes per section.

If you have any questions about anything, you can write to me in a blog comment (I have enabled this). The comments are moderated so they will not appear immediately. You can also e-mail me: adavis AT pedarecc DOT sa DOT edu DOT au

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